
10 Zero Waste Resolutions for 2019

The scale of environmental destruction humans have created and the fallout we are now just beginning to face is overwhelming. Like, knock the wind out of you, re-evaluate the idea of bringing kids into this world overwhelming. There is so much that needs to be done on a large scale. But I really believe that the things we do in our day to day lives can set an example, send a message and have a powerful ripple effect. So, Once you’ve decided you need to make some changes in your own life and try to create positive change in the world around you, where to begin? Here are 10 zero waste resolutions to get you started:

1. Contact your local and federal government representatives.

Let them know their constituents care about environmental issues. Sign petitions, join protests, and most importantly, vote.

2. Vote with your dollars.

Before you buy, ask yourself “Is this item really useful and/or beautiful?”Shop locally when you can, buy good quality items built to last, don’t give your money to companies that create excess waste/plastic and drop them a quick email or tweet to let them know why for good measure!

3. Buy fewer clothes and avoid fast fashion.

According to this article on UNenvironment.org, the fashion industry is the second largest consumer of water and is responsible for generating more greenhouse gas emissions than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Attend or host clothing swaps or buy used/vintage to avoid contributing to that colossal amount of waste (and save $!). Need an outfit for a special occasion? Borrow from a friend or rent from somewhere like Fitzroy Boutique!

4. Carry reusable bags.

Keep a little one in your purse or backpack, stash some in your car, keep one at work.

5. Shop in bulk and bring your own containers.

I’ve been able to drastically cut down on the amount of plastic packaging I bring home since I started taking my own jars and/or cotton drawstring produce bags to Bulk Barn and Karma Co-op. (Pro tip: if you’re shopping at Bulk Barn, check their website before you go for useful coupons. They have new ones every week.)

6. Carry a reusable mug/thermos/water bottle.

There are so many great collapsible mugs or water bottles you can pop in your bag. Pick your favourite and keep it on hand to avoid wasteful to-go cups. Forgot your reusable? Consider getting your beverage “to stay” and take five minutes to sit down and enjoy it in a regular mug in the cafe.

7. Swap plastic wrap for beeswax wraps and reusable containers.

Remember, you don’t have to rush out and buy a matching set of Pyrex either. Just clean out any jars you have in the fridge (once you’ve used up whatever came in them), and use those.

8. Grow your own herbs and avoid buying them in plastic packaging.

If you buy seeds instead of plants, you can avoid the flimsy plastic pots they usually come in too! If you can grow them outside on a balcony or in a garden, bees and butterflies will love them!

9. Simplify and DIY your skincare and beauty routine.

A couple years ago I developed a real Sephora habit. It’s so easy to be seduced by pretty packaging and the implied promise that my life would be better, myself more worthy if I just had one more weapon in my beauty arsenal, but it’s harder if you just don’t go in the store and unsubscribe from all their emails. It’s also harder if you remember what you really value in your friends and in yourself. It’s probably not their pore-less skin. That said, it still feels great to pamper yourself and paint your face now and again, so do a little research and find some DIY recipes or brands that take a more environmentally-friendly approach.

10. Switch from liquid to solid soaps and shampoos.

My hair care routine for the past year has been solid shampoo bars from lush or Rocky Mountain soap co plus an apple cider vinegar rinse once a week and it looks and feels about as good as it ever has.

Remember, don’t let perfection be the enemy of good. Forgot your reusable bags today? Bring them tomorrow. If ten zero waste resolutions is too many to start with, choose one! Be kind to yourself, be patient with others but stay absolutely determined to change. That’s the only way things will.

What are your resolutions for 2019?